Thursday, August 10, 2006



ive got new pictures of the kittens they are so cute who would not want to have a little kitten. I will be moving in 2 and a half weeks because my landlord dose not like cats he makes my so angry i wish he could be where im sitting right now having to move because of these cute little babys.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Feeling much better

my sisters cat momas had four baby kittens three boys and one girl shes a prod mom of four healthy babys. And in the picture below they are my two sisters angela and laura.

hey world feeling much better today i started seeing a counceler today about how i have been sad and stuff all the time and talking to him today really did make me feel better i was very supried that it helped i really don't know what i was so afried of bye seeing him. I start DBT tommarow i think they are going to try to shrink my head lol just kidding have a goodnight everyone im gunna watch some movies .

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

cute huh

feeling sad

hey its me again i know its been more than a week but i haven't really been feeling well and i'm fighting with my mother again but whats knew right i wish i could put some positive stuff on my blog tonight but im just not feeling that happy right now but i got a new pic. The picture is when i am about 1 year old and i am facanated with my feel lol enjoy peace.