Saturday, March 10, 2007

Astrology And How We Use It Today.

Astrology became a big part of our lives around the 1500's. We as people use Astrology for many things such as telling us our futures reading the stars understanding ourselves. I myself have been reading astrology for years to tell me how my day is going to go and so on now im not sure that its all that real but some people live their lives around astrology. There was a great astrologer in the 1600's his name was Nostradamus he lived his life by making perdicktions about the future using astrology. Most of his perdicktions are still used today because they are so ackeret. Now I my self think it is up to every person for them selves to deside what astrology is to them to me its important because it makes me feel better and it really dose not matter if its real or not its how it make us feel.

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