Hey it's me again I know it's been a wile. Well not much is going on just living and letting live. The holidays are getting closer what dose everybody think about that? I have been thinking about getting my mom a dell computer in Rochester for Christmas at this pawn shop it would only be about 250.00 dollars and she would really love it and I have been kinda hard on her lately GOD knows I love her we are just to much alike. Well that's it for now have a nice day and GOD bless.

Well its been about three weeks and a lot has been happening my uncle mike died on September 9 the 2006 I went to his feurnal and it was sad to see him like that he was always so strong I can't really believe that he is gone. Then my brother got marred it was really beautiful and he is really happy and I have a new sister they went to Mexico for there honey moon and Chris got me some sand from the beach in Mexico how sweet is that. And IM back at the gym lost 10 more pounds and feeling great that's pretty much whets going on so that's it for now peace.