Friday, December 08, 2006
yo man!!!
Hey everybody my brother sends me these facts of the day so i am quick going to answer this one so OK Chris I'm now quite sure but i think nugs is left pawed and i do love nugs. And as for the rest of my life it's the same old same old fighting with Tommy and crap O but i saw this show the biggest loser and it really inspired me to work harder at the gym and enjoyed the online club that they have so physically i feel really great it's just the emotional stuff that is a problem for me. Well till next time God bless.
Monday, November 20, 2006

Hey it's me again I know it's been a wile. Well not much is going on just living and letting live. The holidays are getting closer what dose everybody think about that? I have been thinking about getting my mom a dell computer in Rochester for Christmas at this pawn shop it would only be about 250.00 dollars and she would really love it and I have been kinda hard on her lately GOD knows I love her we are just to much alike. Well that's it for now have a nice day and GOD bless.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Me and my baby boy/best friend

Hey its me again!!! Once apon a time there lived a girl named Katie and a boy named Tommy and they met back in the year 2000 he was 14 1/2 and she was 19 they clicked like two peas in a pod! they have been though HELL and BACK and are still finding a way to be the best of friends that they are!! No one understands us matter of fact sometimes we dont even understand eachother but thats the best of it because who said that good stuff is simple... no one in my book did!!? Anyway this would totally take forever to explain our past or even our future so we are still the best of friends and will be till the end...whenever that might be!!!! by the way this is Tommy and i doing facials and other random pictures of Tommy and myself!!! till we meet again!!!!
later dayz!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006
sup people

Well its been about three weeks and a lot has been happening my uncle mike died on September 9 the 2006 I went to his feurnal and it was sad to see him like that he was always so strong I can't really believe that he is gone. Then my brother got marred it was really beautiful and he is really happy and I have a new sister they went to Mexico for there honey moon and Chris got me some sand from the beach in Mexico how sweet is that. And IM back at the gym lost 10 more pounds and feeling great that's pretty much whets going on so that's it for now peace.
Friday, September 29, 2006
happy days how do u like that one chris lol

hey everyone let me ask u a ? ok if someone came over to see u and everything was going fine then you get your computer back and he gose on the internet and thats fine but then he's on for three an half hours on the computer now here's the ? would that piss u off ? it dose me because if u really come over to see someone then u are there to spend time with them right tell me what u think. Ok and as far as everything else in my life its fine a little crazy sometimes but that what makes life fun lol and by the way chris i like my titles ok peace you all.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
feeling like crap

hey whats up everyone not much here i have court tommarow and im a little worried about that but it seems im in court every few mounths for the stuff i did in the past u know people say that u can never live down your past for my sake i hope thats not true. My ex came back into my life its nice to spend time with him but it would be even better if i knew where we stand you know what i mean he took some really good pictures of me and im going to post them so you all can see them. still fighting with the family but whats knew right i wish life was much easyer but i beleve that God put these hard ships in front of me for a reason and as long as i beleve that im going to be fine. Oh and chris i talked to andrea and she is coming to austin tommarow and i will ask her if she plans to come to the wedding ok.
God bless
Thursday, August 10, 2006
ive got new pictures of the kittens they are so cute who would not want to have a little kitten. I will be moving in 2 and a half weeks because my landlord dose not like cats he makes my so angry i wish he could be where im sitting right now having to move because of these cute little babys.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Feeling much better

hey world feeling much better today i started seeing a counceler today about how i have been sad and stuff all the time and talking to him today really did make me feel better i was very supried that it helped i really don't know what i was so afried of bye seeing him. I start DBT tommarow i think they are going to try to shrink my head lol just kidding have a goodnight everyone im gunna watch some movies .
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
feeling sad
hey its me again i know its been more than a week but i haven't really been feeling well and i'm fighting with my mother again but whats knew right i wish i could put some positive stuff on my blog tonight but im just not feeling that happy right now but i got a new pic. The picture is when i am about 1 year old and i am facanated with my feel lol enjoy peace.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
hi this is my first blog
Hi my name is katie im new to this whole bloging thing but i thougt i would give it a try. Ok so to start i will tell u a little about myself i had quit a bad couple of years Im an alicaoloic i have now been sober for 6 mounths i have also lost 50 pounds in the last 3 mounts so u could say i have been up to my feet in it lol but i really do feel stronger and happer than i have in years and i have lost to be prowd of.
Let's see some family stuff my brother is getting married in oct of 06 really happy about that i have to other sisters Angie and Laure . Angie is my older sister and were not really that clouse but we keep up apperences and try to keep the peace. as for laura she my little sister and the lite of my life she is so much like me not quit sure is thats a good thing or not. and as for my mother she is going to need a whole page to her self we have the crazy mother daughter thing that is very unusal but i will get back to tell u all about me and my life in a bit but first i am going to load some picks.
Let's see some family stuff my brother is getting married in oct of 06 really happy about that i have to other sisters Angie and Laure . Angie is my older sister and were not really that clouse but we keep up apperences and try to keep the peace. as for laura she my little sister and the lite of my life she is so much like me not quit sure is thats a good thing or not. and as for my mother she is going to need a whole page to her self we have the crazy mother daughter thing that is very unusal but i will get back to tell u all about me and my life in a bit but first i am going to load some picks.
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